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Car Club Council of Hampton Roads

Car Club Council of Central Virginia

Southwest Car Council

Virginia Peninsula Car Club Council

Northern Virginia Car Club Council

VAACC Bylaws
The bylaws are listed below. If you need a print copy you may use the form on the Contact Page send an email to: info@vaacc.org or contact your council president. Contact information is listed on the member pages.

Purpose of VAACC

The Virginia Association of Car Councils is a non-governing body. It is an association of car councils that have joined together. Membership by a council is voluntary, and a council may withdraw at any time.

Goals of VAACC:

  • To exchange information between councils

  • To create a voice for the hobby at the local, statewide, and national level; particularly in regards to legislative matters

  • To promote a good public image for the hobby

  • To foster communication between the councils and car hobbyists in the State of Virginia

Definition of a "Council" (For Membership in VAACC):

Must have a minimum of five (5) clubs. Must have evidence of an "organizational" structure (ex: by-laws, charter, etc.).

Application for Council Membership

Any council desiring to become a member of VAACC must request membership from the governing board. The board must vote unanimously to accept the applying council for the council to become a member.

Voting on All Matters

At any meeting of VAACC each council in attendance will have one vote. The council president or an appointed alternate will represent each council. The vote on any matter must be unanimous.

Governing Board

The presidents of the member councils will form the governing board.


There will be at least one meeting per year to discuss matters before the VAACC.

Changes or Additions to By-laws

Bylaws can be amended at a meeting of the governing board.

Expulsion or Cancellation of Membership

VAACC membership will be revoked if a council no longer meets the criteria for membership.

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